JavaScript - Important Concepts


ES6, or ECMAScript 2015, is a revision to the JavaScript language made in 2015 and introduced many new features. Essentially, it can be thought of broadly as modern JavaScript.

Psychex uses ES6 patterns extensively throughout the core code and the tutorials, and it’s important to understand some of the ideas. Being able to use these patterns can greatly improve your code, helping you write cleaner code faster.


Variables can be declared using let and const. const describes an unchanging (immutable) variable. let describes a variable with a value limited to within the block it’s defined. For example:

const name = "alex";
let age = 150;


These are short and concise ways of writing functions. Importantly, they inherit the value of this from the context they’re defined in. For example, if defined within a wider function, this will refer to the wider function. As a result, they’re convenient for defining callbacks.

const add = (a, b) => {a + b};

Template Literals

This is a convenient way of embedding variables into strings (just like f-strings in Python, for example). They’re defined using backticks (‘`’), and variables are defined within blocks wrapped in ‘${}’. For example:

let library = "Psychex";
console.log(`My research is really efficient, because I use ${library}`);


If you have an object made up several values, destructuring allows you to seperate the object into individual variables. This works for both arrays and objects. For example:

// Array destructuring
const [a, b] = [1, 2];

// Object destructuring
const person = { name: 'Alex', age: 625};
const { name, age } = person; // name = 'Alex', age = 625

Rest and Spread

The spread operator expands an array or object into its individual elements. E.g.:

const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
const newArray = [...myArray, 4, 5];
// newArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

Similarly, the rest operator collects multiple elements into a single array or object:

function sumNumbers(...numbers){
    return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);


The introduction of classes (over the previous prototyping system in JS) made OOP in JS more familiar to developers from other languages. Classes can be defined with the Class keyword, and initialised with a constructor method. For example:

class ResearchLab {
    constructor(name, university, PI) { = name; = university;
        this.PI = PI;
        this.members = [];



Promises are essential when writing asynchronous code. It allows functionality to be chained together, so that once one process is completed, another one begins - all while a primary set of functions can run in parallel. One common use of this (and used throughout Psychex) is when making API calls - i.e. when saving or loading data from a server. Promises have 2 parameters, resolve and reject. Which allow the user to provide instructions on what to do depending on the outcome of a process.

Promises can be quite tricky to get the hand of, but are a really useful tool to get the hang of. MDN have a good, more detailed explanation of promises.

In the meantime, here’s an example:

const fetchData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(resolve("Data received"), 2000);

    .then(data => console.log(data))

The .then() function acts on a promise to instruct the asynchronous thread on what to do when the first function is resolved.