
Primitives are the building blocks of more complex composite classes, and represent simple rendereable instances.

class pText(text, x, y, kwargs={})

Instructions to render a string of text

param string text:

String of text to be rendered.

param number x:

The x-coordinates of the string using current positionMode

param number y:

The y-coordinates of the string using current positionMode

param object kwargs={}:

An dict-object containing additional keyword args


Render the text to the screen and create the underlying p5.js object.

< // -- How to Use -- //>

let helloWorld = new pText("Hello World!", 50, 50, {fontSize:32, color: 'black'});
// pText can also handle newlines, by adding '\n'
let multiLineText = new pText("In this experiment, participants \nhave 30 minutes to solve a complex\ntask.");

// Run the draw methods within draw():
    // -- ... --

< // -- How to extend -- // >

class customText extends pText {
    constructor(text, x, y, kwargs={}){
        super(text, x, y, kwargs);
        // -- custom content -- //


let myCustomText = new customText("some text", 50, 50);

draw() {
    // -- ... -- //
class pRectangle(x, y, w, h, kwargs={})

Object that can draw a 4-sided shape to the screen.

  • x (number()) – The x-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • y (number()) – The y-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • w (number()) – The width of the shape using current positionMode

  • h (number()) – The height of the shape using current positionMode

  • kwargs (object()) – An dict-object containing additional keyword args

pRectangle.withImage(imgObj, kwargs)

Creates a new pImage object under this.img and renders it to the center of the shape.

  • imgObj (object()) – An image loaded in using p5.loadImage()

  • kwargs (object()) – An dict-object containing additional keyword args

Return undefined:

Rtype undefined:


Draw method that creates the underlying p5.rect

pRectangle.draw_(x, y, w, h, kwargs)

Static method that creates a rectangle object on the fly without instantiating an object

  • x (number()) – The x-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • y (number()) – The y-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • w (number()) – The width of the shape using current positionMode

  • h (number()) – The height of the shape using current positionMode

  • kwargs (object()) – A dict-object containing additional keyword args

< // -- How to Use -- //>

</ / -- How to extend -- //>

class customRect extends pRectangle {
    constructor(x, y, w, h kwargs={}){
        super(x, y, w, h, kwargs);
        // -- custom content -- //

class pCircle(x, y, r, kwargs={})

Object that draws a circle to the screen

  • x (number()) – The x-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • y (number()) – The y-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • r (number()) – The radius of the circle

  • kwargs (object()) – A dict-object containing additional keyword args


Creates the underlying object and renders it


Static method that creates a circle object and renders it on the fly without instantiating an object

< // -- How to Use -- //>

< // -- How to extend -- // >

class customRect extends pRectangle {
    constructor(x, y, w, h kwargs={}){
        super(x, y, w, h, kwargs);
        // -- custom content -- //

class pTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, kwargs={})
  • x1 (number()) – x-coordinate of the first point of the triangle

  • y1 (number()) – y-coordinate of the first point of the triangle

  • x2 (number()) – x-coordinate of the second point

  • y1 – y-coordinate of the second point

  • x3 (number()) – x-coordinate of the third point

  • y3 (number()) – y-coordinate of the third point

  • kwargs (object()) – A dict-object containing additional keyword args


Draws a triangle to the screen using the coordinates provided to the class constructor.

class pImage(x, y, img, kwargs={})

Renders an image to the screen.

  • x (number()) – The x-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • y (number()) – The y-coordinates of the shape using current positionMode

  • img (p5.Image()) – A p5.image object, loaded using loadImage(). See example below for usage.

  • kwargs (object()) – A dict-object containing additional keyword args


Draw the image


Draw the image but statically

class pButton(x, y, w, h, kwargs)

A composite object that replicates a clickable button. Internally creates a rectangle object (this.rect) and either a text or image object rendered within the rectangle. See methods below for details. Note that pButton objects are clickable by default, and don’t need to have toggleClickable() run.

  • x (number()) – The x-coordinates of the button using current positionMode

  • y (number()) – The y-coordinates of the button using current positionMode

  • w (number()) – The width of the button using current positionMode

  • h (number()) – The height of the button using current positionMode

  • kwargs (object()) – An dict-object containing additional keyword args

pButton.addText(text, kwargs)
  • text (string()) – Text to be added to the button

  • kwargs (object()) – An dict-object containing additional keyword args. Includes as default {textAlign: CENTER}.




Render the button to the screen.

class Countdown(x, y, endtime, kwargs={})

A countdown timer that allows a callback to be set for when time elapses, with the option to attach a countdown bar or circular timer.

  • x (number()) – The x-coordinates of the timer using current positionMode

  • y (number()) – The y-coordinates of the timer using current positionMode

  • endtime (number()) – The number of seconds after which the timer elapses.

  • kwargs (object()) – An dict-object containing additional keyword args

Countdown.setGraphic(graphic, params={})

Sets the countdown graphic to either a circular arc that spans from 360deg to 0, or a progress bar. Also allows the user to extend and add their own graphic using p5.js. TODO: instructions on how to create custom graphic

  • graphic (string()) – A string denoting the type of graphic to be added. Allows “arc” for arc, “bar” for progress bar, and “custom”, which creates an object called this.graphic, where the user can extend the draw method.

  • params (object()) – Dict containing params for the graphic. Both arc and bar graphics require width (w) and height (h)


Reset the timer. Also used to start the timer.


Empty method that can be set to a callback for when the timer elapses. For example:

content.timer.onTimeUp = () => {
    console.log("Time's up!")
    // Reset the timer, creating a loop

Pause the timer.