Document Object Model (DOM)
Psychex offers classes to interact with the DOM, allowing you to build HTML elements alongside your canvas elements! This helps contain all your needs within the Psychex framework, and can be used to incorporate forms, and questionnaires into your experiments.
This page contains tutorials showing how to create a Psychex form. Further down the page are the details on the methods available for each of the classes.
Create a Custom Form - Tutorial
The following tutorial shows how you can build a custom form from scratch, using Psychex versions of normal HTML elements.
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how you can define, position, and style different elements using Psychex. The final form you’ll produce is perfectly usable for an experiment - but may have some limitations if you wanted something more complex.
By the end of the tutorial, you’ll be able to confidently use elements like checkboxes, sliders, text, and input fields to get data from users.
This can be extremely useful for implementing attention checks, inter-round feedback, or quick responses when using a mixture of canvas and DOM elements, without having to redirect to a new page, or go through complex positioning in your HTML.
Start by downloading the starter_kit folder from the Github repo. Open up the entrypoint file: static/js/main.js. This contains definitions of the core functions you need to get started.
The first thing we’ll do is define a custom form class. Define this at the bottom of the page:
class MyTutorialForm{
constructor(x, y){
This takes coordinates x and y as input.
Psychex DOM elements work in a different way to canvas elements, in that they don’t need to be redrawn continuously in an animation loop - they only need to be drawn once. This means that when we define a new element, it is registered in the DOM, and kept on the page permanently (unless manually removed).
Let’s start by defining a new div, and placing a heading and subheading inside it. We’ll make the headings children of the div, so that they’re positioned relative to its position. This is exactly the same as if we were writing pure HTML, and we nested <h1> elements inside a <div> element. Inside the constructor of your new class, add the following:
// Create a new div element
this.div = new Div(x, y, "formDiv", {'width': '50%', 'height': '75%', 'background-color': 'lightblue'});
// Create a new empty element, and set it to be an <h2> - then append it to the div
this.heading = new DomElement(50, 5, "h2", "New Data Form", "h2el")
.appendTo(this.div, true);
// Create a new empty element, set it to be an <h3> - and append it to the div
this.subheading = new DomElement(50, 12.5, "h3", "Please answer the following questions:", "h3el")
.appendTo(this.div, true);
Here, we start by defining a Div class, setting its position at x, y, giving it an id of ‘formDiv’, and passing in some styles. Next, we create a new empty element, tell Psychex we’d like it to be an h2 element, set the text value, and set the ID. We then chain the method appendTo onto the end, where the first parameter is the target parent element (the div), and the second asks if we want to reposition it relative to the parent - which we do. This means that as x = 50, the heading text will be placed 50% along the width of the div, not the width of the screen. This system makes Psychex DOM positioning much more flexible than regular HTML positioning.
Note that this code block above is the same as if we wrote:
<div id="formDiv" style="width: 50%; height: 75%; background-color: lightblue;">
<h2 id="h2el">New Data Form</h2>
<h3 id="h3el">Please answer the following questions:</h3>
We could manually define form fields, inputs, labels, etc. right here in the constructor, but we’d like a more principled, organised way of doing this - in particular, one that will help us reuse this class in the future.
The idea of writing classes once and reusing them in future work is often referred to as DRY coding: Don’t Repeat Yourself! Time is valuable in research - do yourself a favour, and write good, clean code.
Define a class method for creating a text input, and start by creating a div to store it in. We want to be able to index any new fields we add, so we’ll include position and ID in the parameters:
newTextField(x, y, id, labelText){
// Create a new object inside a class variable called formFields
this.formFields[id] = {}
this.formFields[id].div = new Div(x, y, `${id}_div`, {'width': '100%', 'height': '15%', 'background-color' : 'inherit'})
.appendTo(this.div, true);
and inside the constructor, define the object we’ve referenced here for storing form fields:
this.formFields = {};
In the new div definition, we’ve set the id to be ${id}_div. This is a dynamic string that will insert the value of the variable id we pass into the method, into the string we use for the id. For example, if we set the field id to be myField, then the div will have the id myField_div.
We’re also assigning styles in a very similar way to canvas elements, using an aesthetics (or kwargs) object. However, instead of using Psychex styling names, we’re using CSS names. Often these are similar, but it’s worth checking what the keys are on something like MDN. Here, we’re setting the background-color property to inherit from the parent, and we’re defining the width and height of the div.
Let’s add a new label to the form field, using the p class:
this.formFields[id].label = new p(1, 15, labelText, `${id}_label`, {'width': '20%', 'font-size' : '22px', 'align' : 'left'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true);
And finally, a text input box, using the Input class:
this.formFields[id].field = new Input(50, 0, "", `${id}_input`, {'align' : 'left', 'width': '45%', 'height': '50%'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true)
.setPlaceHolder("Enter ID here");
This creates some text, positioned horizontally adjacent to a textbox input field. We’ve set the placeholder value, and attached both to the form field parent div. For more details, look further down this page at the class documentation.
Let’s call this within the constructor to add the text field to our form:
// ... preamble ...
this.newTextField(0, 20, 'f1', 'Enter ID:')
And instantiate your new form in the main setup() block:
content.dom = {};
content.dom.myForm = new MyTutorialForm(25, 5);
Remember, this only needs to be written once in setup, and not within draw!
Now we have a reusable method to add input fields, you can add as many as you’d like, and save the functionality for future use. You can also play around with styling and spacing to optimise how the form looks.
Next, let’s add some different input types. We’ll start with a checkbox, using the Checkbox class. Create a new method and add a div and label as previously:
newCheckboxField(x, y, id, labelText){
this.formFields[id] = {}
this.formFields[id].div = new Div(x, y, `${id}_div`, {'width': '100%', 'height': '15%', 'background-color' : 'inherit'})
.appendTo(this.div, true);
this.formFields[id].label = new p(1, 15, labelText, `${id}_label`, {'width': '20%', 'font-size' : '22px', 'align' : 'left'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true);
This is very similar to the text input field we previously created. Next, we’ll define a new checkbox:
this.formFields[id].field = new Checkbox(51, 40, `${id}_input`, undefined, {'align' : 'center', 'margin-left' : '5px', 'transform': 'scale(2)', 'border':'0.5px'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true);
Finally, add this to the constructor so you can see your new checkbox:
this.newCheckboxField(0, 32.5, 'f2', "Are you enjoying Psychex?");
Now, let’s add in a Slider element. These can be useful when asking for ratings of quantities like enjoyment or confidence, for example. Create a new class as previously, and define a div and a label:
newSliderField(x, y, id, labelText){
this.formFields[id] = {}
this.formFields[id].div = new Div(x, y, `${id}_div`, {'width': '100%', 'height': '15%', 'background-color' : 'inherit'})
.appendTo(this.div, true);
this.formFields[id].label = new p(1, 15, labelText, `${id}_label`, {'width': '20%', 'font-size' : '22px', 'align' : 'left'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true);
Now, within the same function block, we can define a new slider. We’ll set the range to be between 0 and 1, with a default value of 0. Feel free to try out different values here to see for yourself what the result is.
this.formFields[id].field = new Slider(50, 20, `${id}_input`, {'align' : 'left', 'width' : '45%'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true)
.setRange(0, 1)
And add it to the constructor:
this.newSliderField(0, 45, 'f3', "How much?");
Lastly, we’ll create a Select element. This is essentially a drop-down menu that lets the player choose from a set of options. Create a new select class, and add a div and label:
newSelectField(x, y, id, labelText){
this.formFields[id] = {}
this.formFields[id].div = new Div(x, y, `${id}_div`, {'width': '100%', 'height': '15%', 'background-color' : 'inherit'})
.appendTo(this.div, true);
this.formFields[id].label = new p(1, 15, labelText, `${id}_label`, {'width': '20%', 'font-size' : '22px', 'align' : 'left'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true);
And define the select element:
this.formFields[id].field = new Select(50, 20, `${id}_input`, {'align' : 'left', 'width' : '45%'})
.appendTo(this.formFields[id].div, true);
Before we move on, we need to add some options to the menu. We can do this with the Select class’ addOption() method. Add a new parameter to the newSelectField method, called selectOptions, as such:
.. code-block:: javascript
- newSelectField(x, y, id, labelText, selectOptions=[]){
// …
where we’ve set a default value as an empty list. After defining our select element, add the following piece of code, which will loop over the selectOptions we provide, and call addOption on each:
selectOptions.forEach(opt => {
And add this field in within the constructor:
this.newSelectField(0, 55, 'f4', "Choose an option:",
["Psychex is great", "Psychex is amazing", "Psychex will really help my research", "Psychex is bad"]);
Obviously, we won’t need the user to ever select the last option in that list, so we can disable it:
this.formFields.f4.field.disableOption('Psychex is bad');
Now we need a submit button to act upon the data entered into the form fields. We can either use the default styling for this button, or define a styling object. Separating out styling definitions into a separate object can help make code more organised. Within the constructor, add the following:
const btnStyles = {
'background-color': '#008CBA',
'border': 'none',
'color': 'white',
'padding': '15px 32px',
'text-align': 'center',
'text-decoration': 'none',
'display': 'inline-block',
'font-size': '16px',
'box-shadow': '0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19)',
// Define the button
this.submitBtn = new Button(50, 90, "Submit", "formSubmitBtn", btnStyles)
.appendTo(this.div, true);
The final step is to define the functionality when the submit button is clicked. This will involve gathering the input data from each form field into a single object, and saving it somewhere. You can attach a click listener to the Button class (and all other pDOM classes) using onClick, similar to with canvas objects. The only difference here is that in DOM elements, onClick takes the callback as a function parameter, whereas in canvas elements it is overwritten.
Set the onClick callback in the class constructor:
this.submitBtn.onClick(() => {
We can loop over the formFields object and access each field. These classes have getValue() methods to return the value entered by the user. We can aggregate these into a single object:
this.submitBtn.onClick(() => {
let data = {};
Object.keys(this.formFields).forEach(f => {
data[f] = this.formFields[f].field.getValue();
console.log(`Saved data: ${data}`);
If you open up the developer tools and look at the console, you’ll see the form data displayed.
What you want to do with the data now depends on your setup. For instance, if you were hosting your experiment on JATOS, you might then call Game.saveDataToJatos(data), and the data would be available through your interface within the current component. If you were running an ExpressJS server, you could use Game.saveDataToServer(data), (+ your endpoint), which would send a POST request to the server where the data would be handled and saved to a file, added to a database, or whatever else you may need.
Now, you have a working form! You may be thinking that this seems like an excessive amount of code for a form - it probably is. There are a few ways that this can be shrunk down and made more efficient, by reusing common structures (div + label), etc.
As an exercise, consider going through and playing around with making the code more compact and efficient, and changing the styling, display, and aesthetics.
Code Documentation
- class DOM(x=0, y=0, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Base class offering wrappers for interacting with the DOM. Specific element classes can inherit from this class and use methods such as setId, setText, center, setPosition, and more. See below for an exhaustive list.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementid (
) – unique identifier. If undefined, will be set to randomly generated stringkwargs (
) – styles and additional kwargs
- DOM.setId(id)
Sets the HTML id property of the element. This allows it to be accessed via document.getElementById(id) as you would with any ordinary DOM element. Can be read through the getId() method of this class. This is called automatically when an element is drawn, but can be used to update id.
- Arguments:
id (
) – Unique id of the element or undefined. If undefined, will be assigned a random string of length 8.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.getId(id)
Read the id of the element
- Returns:
The element id
- Return type:
- DOM.setText(t, append=false)
Set the text value of the element. This directly edits the innerHTML property of the HTML element. This accepts HTML as an input. For instance, passing Some <b>bold<b> text in would render ‘bold’ in bold.
- Arguments:
t (
) – New innerHTML of the element. Accepts HTML or rich text.append (
) – If true, append this to the existing innerHTML. If false, overwrite. Default = false.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.getText()
Return the innerHTML of the element as a string.
- Returns:
The innerHTML content of the element, including HTML tags.
- Return type:
Center the element within its div. If it has no parent div, it will be placed centrally on the page. Note that updating the innerHTML won’t recenter the element, this must be manually called afterwards.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.appendTo(parentObj, reposition=false)
Make this element the child of the input parent. This is performed at 2 levels: the DOM level, where the child element is set as the child of the parent element, and at a Psychex level, where references to each Psychex object are stored as parent and added to the list of children, respectively. Once an element is made into a child, its position becomes relative to the parent.
- Arguments:
parentObj (
) – The Psychex parent object that this object will be appended to. NB: this is not the DOM element, but the Psychex object.reposition (
) – If true, automatically reposition the child to make its stored position relative to the parent. If false, do nothing.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.setSize(width, height)
Set the width and height of the element. Passing in a single value will edit just the width, and height is adjusted automatically to maintain the w/h ratio. Passing in integers for both width and height will manually set both values. Either value can be replaced with AUTO, a constant that keeps ratio the same.
setSize(50, AUTO) // Sets width to 50 while autoing height setSize(100, 100) // Sets width to 100 and height to 100
- Arguments:
width (
) – Width value in pixels, or AUTOheight (
) – Height value in pixels, or AUTO
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.getSize(asPercentage=false)
Return the size of the element as object {width: w, height: h}.
- Arguments:
asPercentage (
) – If true, return the value as a % of canvas size. if false, return as pixels.
- Returns:
Width and height of thxe element
- Return type:
object with keys x and y.
- DOM.setValue(value)
Set the contents of the element’s value parameter. Accepts HTML string as input.
- Arguments:
value (
) – The new value string
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.getValue()
Return the element’s value.
- Returns:
the element’s value
- Return type:
- DOM.setPosition(x, y)
Sets the current position of the element using the provided coordinates. Expects numerical % inputs. Unlike in the canvas objects, this will be anchored by the top-right-hand corner of the element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – The x-coordinate of the element in percentagey (
) – The y-coordinate of the element in percentage
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.getPosition(asPixels=false)
Return the current position of the element, either as % or in pixels
- Arguments:
asPixels (
) – If true, return in pixels, if false return in terms of %
- Returns:
The element coordinates with keys x and y
- Return type:
- DOM.update(kwargs={})
Set element CSS styling by passing in a styling object. Also allows width and height to be set through kwargs. Calls the setId() method to update ID on instantiation. For example, to instantiate some text:
content.dom.styledText = new p(50, 60, "Some styled text", "styledText", {'color': 'blue'});
- Arguments:
kwargs (
) – Object mapping CSS properties to their values. Takes in standard CSS names as keys (must be strings).
- DOM.mouseOver(callback)
Set callback when mouse is over the element
- Arguments:
callback (
) – Callback to run
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- DOM.mouseOut(callback)
Set callback when mouse leaves the element
- Arguments:
callback (
) – Callback to run
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- DOM.mouseMoved(callback)
Set callback when mouse move is detected within the bounds of the element
- Arguments:
callback (
) – Callback to run
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- DOM.mouseReleased(callback)
Set callback when the mouse click is released on the element
- Arguments:
callback (
) – Callback to run
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- DOM.mouseWheel(callback)
Set callback when the mouse wheel is used on the element
- Arguments:
callback (
) – Callback to run
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
Show the current element. If it is already showing, do nothing.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- DOM.hide()
Hide the current element. If it is already hidden, do nothing.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- class Div(x, y, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new HTML <div> element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- class p(x, y, value, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new HTML <p> element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementvalue (
) – The text content of the string. Accepts html and rich (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- class Input(x, y, value="", id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new HTML <input> element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementvalue (
) – The starting value of the input. Can be set to “” to have an empty (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- Input.onInput(callback)
Provide a callback that runs when data is input to this element. This is reactive, and runs each time there is a change.
- Arguments:
callback (
) – A callback to be run on each input - i.e. each time a key is typed while the box is active.
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- Input.setPlaceholder(t)
Set the placeholder text for the input (if applicable). For instance, in a text input, this might be the text shown on instantation before the user starts typing, and disappears when the input is interacted with.
- Arguments:
t (
) – The placeholder text
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- Input.getPlaceholder(t)
Return the current placeholder text
- Returns:
the placeholder text
- Return type:
- Input.clear()
Clear the value of the current input. Useful for when building forms.
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- class Button(x, y, value, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new HTML <button> element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementvalue (
) – The text content of the buttonid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- Button.onClick(callback)
Pass a callback to be called when the button is clicked. Note that unlike Psychex canvas objects, this accepts a callback as the parameter, rather than being the callback itself. This is because we need to call the additional mousePressed method to update the callback in the DOM.
- Arguments:
callback (
) – The callback to run when a click is detected on the element
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- class Slider(x, y, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new HTML <slider> element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- Slider.setRange(min, max)
Set the minimum and maximum values stored for the slider. This doesn’t change the slider aesthetics, but will change the value returned when the slider is moved.
- Arguments:
min (
) – The lower-bound (LHS of the slider scale)max (
) – The upper-bound (RHS of the slider scale)
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- Slider.setDefault(d)
Set default (starting) value for the slider notch. E.g. if the range is set to [0, 1], then the midpoint would be 0.5.
- Arguments:
d (
) – notch default value
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- Slider.onChange(callback)
Register a callback that will fire continuously as the slider value is being changed. Useful if you need to make changes immediately responsive to input.
- Arguments:
callback (
) – The callback to run as the slider is continuously changed.
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- Slider.onChangeEnd(callback)
Register a callback that fires at the end of each slider interaction, i.e. after the slider has been moved, and the mouseclick released.
- Arguments:
callback (
) – Callback to run once the slider interaction is complete. Will run once.
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- class A(x, y, url, text, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new anchor <a> element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementurl (
) – URL to redirect the window totext (
) – Text value for the hyperlinkid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- A.setUrl(url)
Update the redirect URL for this anchor tag
- Arguments:
url (
) – New URL for redirecting
- Returns:
this object reference
- Return type:
- class Checkbox(x, y, id=undefined, label="", kwargs={})
Create a new HTML checkbox element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementlabel (
) – Option to add a text label to the checkboxkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- Checkbox.isChecked()
Return a boolean indicating if the chechbox is currently checked or not.
- Returns:
true if checked, false if not
- Return type:
- Checkbox.onChange()
Set a callback to run when a change (check or unchecked) is detected. Pair with the method isChecked() to run callback only when checked.
- Returns:
Callback return
- Return type:
- class Select(x, y, id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new select-style HTML input element.
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element
- class DomElement(x, y, el, value="", id=undefined, kwargs={})
Create a new specified HTML element of any type, by naming the type. For example, to create a new <h2> element::
content.dom.newEl = new DomElement(50, 10, "h2", "My Custom Heading", "h2el", {})
- Arguments:
x (
) – Horizontal position of the elementy (
) – Vertical position of the elementel (
) – The HTML element type, such as h3, h2, span, etc.value (
) – The content of the HTML elementid (
) – Unique identifier string for this elementkwargs (
) – CSS styles for this element